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Webinar: The Role of Applied Geophysics and Infrastructure Monitoring in Urban Planning and Resilience

9th May 2024: 13:00 (GMT)

Over half of the world’s population lives in cities, and the World Bank estimates that, by 2050, this proportion will have risen to 70%. Rapid urbanization can lead to risks such as increased social instability, threats to critical infrastructure, and potential shortages of water or other basic needs.

This Thursday, May 9th hear two thought leaders, Vincenzo Lapenna of the Italian National Research Council and Eloi Figueiredo
of Lusófona University present different perspectives on the ways Geoinformatics tools such as GIS and Remote Sensing can help us create sustainable and resilient cities of the future.

Register here:

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Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário Lisboa
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche